Showing 7 Result(s)


What a crazy past few months it’s been!  I purposefully gave myself some compassion during these months of cancelled school, COVID-19, and my husband’s deployment. I packed up for about a month and headed to my home state of Montana to spend time with my parents and wait for time to pass. About a month …

Making Peace With What Is

It’s been a great week! My husband came back from deployment a few days ago! Deployment homecomings are so fun that it’s almost nice that he leaves so that he can come home, almost . . . While I was cleaning my house a few days before he came home I made an interesting decision …

One Day More . . .

I thought this quote from one of my favorite plays, Les Mis, was appropriate for my post today. The song kept going through my head and I thought how applicable the lyrics are to life. Consider this line: One day more. Tomorrow you’ll be worlds awayAnd yet with you, my world has started! One more …