Showing 3 Result(s)

A Defense Is Still An Attack!

My sister called me the other day to tell me that she broke up with her boyfriend. He was pretty upset about it and kept doing things, like sending her How to Win Friends and Influence People in the mail, to provoke a reaction out of her. He even posted their break up all over …

Making Peace With What Is

It’s been a great week! My husband came back from deployment a few days ago! Deployment homecomings are so fun that it’s almost nice that he leaves so that he can come home, almost . . . While I was cleaning my house a few days before he came home I made an interesting decision …

One Day More . . .

I thought this quote from one of my favorite plays, Les Mis, was appropriate for my post today. The song kept going through my head and I thought how applicable the lyrics are to life. Consider this line: One day more. Tomorrow you’ll be worlds awayAnd yet with you, my world has started! One more …